Apr 22, 2022
After creating a model, you can use it in your own AI system with the information on the "API" tab of the model.
Request Headers: Accept, Content-Type, x-api-key
Payload: {model: "code-of-model", array: ["value_of_feature_1", "value_of_feature_2", "value_of_feature_3", ...]}
Payload example:
{"model":"XeTwrt7zEs3", "array":["12.56,"Yes","600"]}
The number of values in your array must be the same as the number of columns used in your model.
{"output": "Predicted Value"}
Note: If your model output is categorical, you also get a probability list.
{"output": "value", "probability": probability, "list": [[value, probability],[value_2,probability_2], ...]}